Given the violent state of world affairs right now, it might be useful to look at the so called planetary transits, which are the key to how astrology can be predictive. Let's not get overexcited, however, since astrology is not supposed to give exact predictions in the scientific sense. According to astrological theory, the precise shape of the future is not set in stone, and because of that, astrology only outlines possible outcomes and conditions deciding them, typically rooted in human freedom of choice, that together create the general shape of the future.
The western tropical astrology is a seasonal astrology, and by an extended analogy, for everything there is a season - a season for war, a season for peace, season for faith, or season for reason, etc. Future in an astrological sense is a series of trials, waxing and waning dominant principles, all in an ongoing maturation of the spirit of human race. And if you are seeking to understand politics, I suggest you start with Pluto and then look at astrological ages.
But first, I should start with a bit of context. I am actually a political scientist via university education, and I am fully aware of most of the scientific theories of politics and their evolution throughout history. Normally, the basic scientific argument about science being clearly more useful to understand the subject would have some merit, but let me assure you that in terms of prediction of future evolution of global politics, your guess is as good as the one of a political scientist.
Among the canon of academic literature on the subject, you will find convinced predictions that democracy is essentially the last and best form of political regime that had already won globally; the Marxist claims that communism is the logical conclusion of history; the culture-centric theories, according to which political alliances in the future will be determined by which civilization given states historically belong to, and the list goes on. As should be apparent by the mutual exclusivity of such theories, these are more "political" than "science" - educated guesses at best, probably motivated by personal convictions.
It is quite possible that any of those will turn out to be right for some period of time somewhere in the world. It is also possible that all of those will take turns in seeming to be correct. There will certainly be many devoted activists "proving them" by trying to make them come true. Politics are a loaded issue, and academicians are certainly not beyond politics. You might think that I am the same, that my political agenda is to push astrology, perhaps to ultimately turn it into a religious or political institution.
I wouldn't blame you - it is very healthy to be suspicious of anyone trying to prove, which social order is the most "scientific". Social order can hardly be thought of as a neutral, value-less concept, and that is at odds with what science is fundamentally supposed to produce. The whole idea of political science is therefore suspect. To make matters even more politically charged, astrologers consulting rulers is a major academic pet peeve. Given the whole context of the issue that I have outlined so far, you should be able to see the danger of anyone being in such position, especially if their "science" is suspect not only on the grounds of political neutrality, but also factual accuracy.
I wouldn't blame you - it is very healthy to be suspicious of anyone trying to prove, which social order is the most "scientific". Social order can hardly be thought of as a neutral, value-less concept, and that is at odds with what science is fundamentally supposed to produce. The whole idea of political science is therefore suspect. To make matters even more politically charged, astrologers consulting rulers is a major academic pet peeve. Given the whole context of the issue that I have outlined so far, you should be able to see the danger of anyone being in such position, especially if their "science" is suspect not only on the grounds of political neutrality, but also factual accuracy.
For all those reasons, I will merely try to share my surprising experience with the accuracy of predictions based on transits in the so called mundane astrology, as compared to the inability of mainstream political science to predict major events, such as the fall of the eastern block and the USSR. Nobody saw it coming, that is a fact. For all intents and purposes, it could have lasted forever, as far as both proponents and opponents of communism were concerned. One thing that could have predicted it easily, however, was astrology.
If you take states and try to foresee their development, you should make them a natal chart, much like you would for a person. In that sense, Soviet Union was "born" in the sign of scorpio (during the famous October revolution that took place in November). Guess in which sign Pluto was during the fall of the eastern block. You guessed it, scorpio. Amusingly enough, scorpio was always associated with death, especially by invisible forces (all things nuclear certainly included), and sex, especially in connection to death. In that same period, approximately 1984-1995, there was the first major nuclear disaster, Chernobyl, in the Soviet Union no less, and the emergence of a new deadly, sexually transmitted disease - HIV/AIDS.
If you take states and try to foresee their development, you should make them a natal chart, much like you would for a person. In that sense, Soviet Union was "born" in the sign of scorpio (during the famous October revolution that took place in November). Guess in which sign Pluto was during the fall of the eastern block. You guessed it, scorpio. Amusingly enough, scorpio was always associated with death, especially by invisible forces (all things nuclear certainly included), and sex, especially in connection to death. In that same period, approximately 1984-1995, there was the first major nuclear disaster, Chernobyl, in the Soviet Union no less, and the emergence of a new deadly, sexually transmitted disease - HIV/AIDS.
Naturally, you can see it as mere coincidences. Nevertheless, this is so straightforward that it can be scientifically, experimentally, conceptualized. Even if Pluto failed to predict anything else in the 20th century, it would have worked, as well as any scientific theory of politics does, for what happened then. But that is only one very good example. Let me just outline the rough dates (given the tendency of planets to go back and forth between signs) of transits of Pluto for the whole 20th century.
It was in gemini from the turn of the century to about 1914, then in cancer until the turn of thirties and fourties, then in leo until the end of fifties, then in virgo for the sixties, then in libra from about 1972 to about 1984. After the scorpio, from 1995-2003 it was in sagittarius. Currently, we are still living under Pluto in capricorn. Any student of political history should notice that it matches the main turns in global politics exceptionally well just in terms of the timing, given that it is itself irregular - Pluto takes varying amounts of time in each sign, so it is not simply a matter of each decade being different. In terms of Czech political history, it is extremely uncanny, since it even matches precisely the milestones now agreed by local historians of the major changes in the nature of socialist regime in Czechoslovakia, including the subtle, but clear turns from stalinism, to "socialism with human face", to the so called "normalization".
It was in gemini from the turn of the century to about 1914, then in cancer until the turn of thirties and fourties, then in leo until the end of fifties, then in virgo for the sixties, then in libra from about 1972 to about 1984. After the scorpio, from 1995-2003 it was in sagittarius. Currently, we are still living under Pluto in capricorn. Any student of political history should notice that it matches the main turns in global politics exceptionally well just in terms of the timing, given that it is itself irregular - Pluto takes varying amounts of time in each sign, so it is not simply a matter of each decade being different. In terms of Czech political history, it is extremely uncanny, since it even matches precisely the milestones now agreed by local historians of the major changes in the nature of socialist regime in Czechoslovakia, including the subtle, but clear turns from stalinism, to "socialism with human face", to the so called "normalization".
But it doesn't end with the uncanny timing. Even if you reduce each sign to a single political doctrine most logical according to its fundamental principles, the dominant historical ideologies would have always been perfectly aligned with what the signs were always supposed to symbolize. Gemini is most aligned with liberalism, cancer with nationalism (or racism), leo with militarism, virgo with conformism, libra with pacifism (though virgo and libra tend to be similarly moderate and obedient in a socio-political sense), scorpio with revolutionary attitude (especially with religious or otherwise fanatic overtones), sagittarius with democracy or relaxed, optimistic attitude to government (and generally growth, boom, conjuncture), and finally capricorn with capitalism and related social elitism (and ultimately bust in the financial cycle, principle of restriction or oppression).
This is of course a major simplification - there is a little bit of all of that at all times, somehow, somewhere. And more detailed astrological aspects account for the nuances. But even though I have simplified it to a point where it could even be scientifically tested, it still works stunningly well - especially in outlining the rise of nationalism and racism leading to the WW2 and the ultimate rise of global peace afterwards, through the revolutions at the end of 80s, up to the recent boom and subsequent crisis of capitalism.
This is of course a major simplification - there is a little bit of all of that at all times, somehow, somewhere. And more detailed astrological aspects account for the nuances. But even though I have simplified it to a point where it could even be scientifically tested, it still works stunningly well - especially in outlining the rise of nationalism and racism leading to the WW2 and the ultimate rise of global peace afterwards, through the revolutions at the end of 80s, up to the recent boom and subsequent crisis of capitalism.
That is of course all viewed in retrospect, you could think that I have merely made it work, using a lot of effort and logical stretches that you couldn't really discern, since you are not all that familiar with astrological lore from before the 20th century - before the fact, so to speak. After all, Pluto itself was discovered in 1930, and named after a cartoon dog rather than a Roman deity. It isn't even a planet anymore, by the decree of astronomers. Well, to that I can only say that I would have not expected it to work in any meaningful way whatsoever either, before I looked at it and found out that it clearly does.
The dates when Pluto turns are an objective, measurable fact, it would be much more of a stretch to interpret them as not matching major political turns in the 20th century. And as for what ideologies are natural for the signs, leo as a heroic warrior or scorpio symbolizing death and sex is positively ancient lore, just like the links between cancer and biological family or capricorn and wealth, and all the rest of it. Just by extending it for the foreseeable future, try to guess what the next two signs are about - aquarius and pisces, the last two of the zodiac, completing one full cycle. Aquarius (Pluto there between 2024-2044) is all about egalitarianism, especially on the basis of science and technology, and pisces (Pluto there between 2044-2067) are all about religion, spiritualism and faith. I don't know about you, but these turns sound pretty likely to me.
The dates when Pluto turns are an objective, measurable fact, it would be much more of a stretch to interpret them as not matching major political turns in the 20th century. And as for what ideologies are natural for the signs, leo as a heroic warrior or scorpio symbolizing death and sex is positively ancient lore, just like the links between cancer and biological family or capricorn and wealth, and all the rest of it. Just by extending it for the foreseeable future, try to guess what the next two signs are about - aquarius and pisces, the last two of the zodiac, completing one full cycle. Aquarius (Pluto there between 2024-2044) is all about egalitarianism, especially on the basis of science and technology, and pisces (Pluto there between 2044-2067) are all about religion, spiritualism and faith. I don't know about you, but these turns sound pretty likely to me.
Speaking of science and religion, in an interesting twist, astrological ages precede in a reversed order, each taking over 2000 years. Just like Pluto describes a ruling political principle for a few decades, the overall cyclically revolving alignment of Sun to the stars divides history into millenia long ages. From the beginning of the recorded history, we have seen the age of taurus (monument builders) between app. 4000-2000 BC, the age of aries (slave based empires) between app. 2000-0 BC (not coincidentally), and then, logically, we are now slowly getting to a turning point between the age of pisces (religious rule) and the age of aquarius (as scientists often unknowingly put it, the age of reason).
Given the cycle of Pluto outlined above, the first steps to the age of reason should really be taken at the beginning of the new Pluto cycle, in the second half of the 21st century, since Pluto in aries should mean an original direction. That is what astrology predicts for the future, politically speaking - you can get a sense of what is about to come and when. Without a much more detailed analysis, involving all other planets and a good deal of conventional science, you cannot however predict particular events, or their outcomes for particular nations. Given enough decisive human intervention, it may not be possible to predict things that specific at all. Either way, this is the gist of predictive mundane astrology - do with that knowledge whatever you will.
Given the cycle of Pluto outlined above, the first steps to the age of reason should really be taken at the beginning of the new Pluto cycle, in the second half of the 21st century, since Pluto in aries should mean an original direction. That is what astrology predicts for the future, politically speaking - you can get a sense of what is about to come and when. Without a much more detailed analysis, involving all other planets and a good deal of conventional science, you cannot however predict particular events, or their outcomes for particular nations. Given enough decisive human intervention, it may not be possible to predict things that specific at all. Either way, this is the gist of predictive mundane astrology - do with that knowledge whatever you will.
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