Saturday, September 20, 2014

How To Astrology - Test Yourself

Astrology may not use scientific kind of proof, but that doesn't mean you should simply accept it. There is a way in which you can test astrology for yourself, much like you most definitely do with many things in your life - try it and see. You can try to find out if it works specifically for you, and not only on the level of belief. The more of these little personal tests described below you try, and the more you check if you are not just fooling yourself while doing them, the more reliable should your findings be.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Ideas on Testing of Astrology I

While it is true that most practicing astrologers do not really care for the search of scientific evidence definitively proving astrology, it is also true that most capable scientists do not care at all for astrology as such. Not surprisingly, neither helps the research on the subject. In the current state of affairs, it is entirely unclear how to distinguish a good astrologer or astrological theory from a bad one. As a result, there is a growing body of studies of unclear validity, which is however sufficient in the sustaining of skeptical negativism, while most astrologers wouldn't really care about any results of any tests in the first place. The atmosphere is a one of mutual hostility and various forms of denial on either side. Since this is not a constructive approach, I intend to try, as both an astrologer and a social scientist, to meet currently unresolved critical issues with both theoretical analysis and practical proposals.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How To Astrology - Human Ethics

Given that astrology is neither exact science, nor a religious doctrine, it is not obvious what it has to say about good or evil, or the nature of human experience, meaning of life, these sorts of things. Since I do maintain that astrology is not a collection of random nonsense either, there must be some value judgments involved, or insight into who we are and how we should live. After all, astrology does focus specifically on the composition of human soul and the meaning of events made manifest. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Astrology Is Not Religion

Skeptics often insist that astrology is not science, that in contrast to what science is like, astrology is much more like a religion. This alleged fact is also practically universally judged by these people as bad. What if I told you that astrology is decidedly neither, and that its differences from either of those doctrines are a good thing?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

You've Been Punked! Burden of Proof

One of the most obvious-seeming scientific requirements for taking anything seriously is the so called "burden of proof". The simple explanation of what it means is that only the claims based on evidence are acceptable to the scientific community. All that isn't proven, or worse still, what isn't even provable, simply isn't scientific. In reality, however, it isn't quite so straightforward, so please let me shed some light on the matter by un-simplifying it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

How To Astrology - Human Politics

Given the violent state of world affairs right now, it might be useful to look at the so called planetary transits, which are the key to how astrology can be predictive. Let's not get overexcited, however, since astrology is not supposed to give exact predictions in the scientific sense. According to astrological theory, the precise shape of the future is not set in stone, and because of that, astrology only outlines possible outcomes and conditions deciding them, typically rooted in human freedom of choice, that together create the general shape of the future.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Astrology Is Not Random

Whenever an astrologer, a real one, states anything about what any aspect of any horoscope means, he or she isn't randomly generating an answer. It would certainly sound like that to a person not versed in astrology, much like you wouldn't understand any specialist doing a sophisticated analysis in a cryptic professional language, but there is always a strict method to the madness. But not only that - astrology can only work in a universe, which is fundamentally non-random. In astrology, randomness isn't a valid concept, and probability is, at least in human matters, not much more than illusion.